Blessings, prayers and good will to all: 08012023 Welcome to the United States of America

Testament of  the United States of America The Desk of JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st Primogenitvs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 205007


Washington D.C.


MMXII: August 1, 2023:  Welcome to the Official Government of the United States of America, one of many emergency channels for the United States of America.   News and Information remain in a state of emergency.  For more resources visit our USPHS resource page  Have a nice month.


The Judgment of God


If you are new to this emergency service, the United States, Mexico and every nation in the world are in the process of being rescued by the Holy Spirit.    We are in a judgment and tribulation of God.  These are days to pray and keep watch on the news so nothing takes you by surprise.

This judgment of God will bring everyone closer together.    During the judgment of God, it is important to continue in school, to keep working or looking for work and making sure every good economy we have started continues.

Going to church with a body of believers which are agreeable to you may now add a more pleasant dimension to your life.

News and information are in a state of emergency.  This control of the news where people are caused to believe in business and political leaders long since swept away by the Judgment of God, has been used to start ethnic cleansing by declaring coronavirus was a global epidemic.   News and information are used for many bad things.




 La Couronne Monde Château Versailles will post at least once a month.  The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.

José María Chavira M.S.


Alternate History & Big Brother  


We are in a news and information emergency.  (AH) alternate histories, false news and information prevail.    Mass media political news and general information remain in a general state of emergency.  Health information, business information, investment information, educational information, scientific information, historical information, meteorological information, economy information, legislation (laws) and government information are affected. Wireless, cable, television, radio and the internet are also affected.


The Revelation of 1776


The Revelation of 1776, The United States of America,  The French Revelation,  The manifestation of the music of Mozart represents the Revelation at Germany which spread to Europe and throughout the world.

The marriage of Figaro represents  the marriage of the common man with power and government. It is the beginnings of  a non monarchical form of government by the people for people with the blessing of Providence in many countries.  When monarchies were not corrupt, they were also very considerate of the needs of the people.  Now even democracies are corrupted.  When the people inside democracies are corrupt they are slightly better than dictatorships.  The reason is corrupt people vote for corrupt politics and keep themselves and their nation corruption.  When people are in agreement to corruption is when God’s intervention is necessary,

During the Revelation of 1776, there may have been muskets and some skirmishes. Valley Forge and George Washington crossing the Delaware River will forever be great historical moments.

During this time, the King of England, British, German and European Grand Master wizards  and their armies were judged  by God.  Colonial Grand Master Wizards were judged by God.  There were considerable military forces in control during this time and by themselves, the poorly armed colonists could not overcome them.

This time marked the latest judgment of God which liberated England, Europe and the Americas from Tyranny! Armies under Grand Master wizards were a considerable enemy.  The colonists were not let down in their simple faith and trust in God.  While they mobilized, Providence manifested to judge help bring tyrants to justice.    What incredible days those must have been.

The French have their revelation, the British theirs, the Germans theirs and even  the Natives who kept no records also have a revelation.  Nothing is left to chance during a manifestation of power of God’s Holy Spirit.

In the United States which is a picture of the world,  it was time of  spiritual revolution and revival among the people confirming their still evolving new protestant and reformed faith in God.   Now we have the Revelation of 1776 and the Revolution of 1776.  MDCCLXXVI The Judgment of God and Revelation of 1776 changed and united the colonies under God.




With regards to what the church wrote about it, no specific history is taught in Catholic Church about this judgment of God, I am sure there must be church records at the Vatican as to how this judgment of God affected the Vatican.  There would have to be. The Vatican would have their own judgment story and revelation to talk about.  As it stands, the Revelation of 1776 is no longer a part of Catholic or Protestant Education.  If it was, it no longer is.  Today the Holy See’s website remains in a state of emergency.  They will  one day under the direction of the World Crown provide better information and a list of men who have been judged by God starting with Benedict, the last official Pope.   The judgment of Frances, will be as a priest and not as a pope.

Not even Freemasons teach the Revelation of 1776 opting for the more bloody Revolution of 1776. The Department of the Treasury has not forgotten it.  I have known many Freemasons and listened to many Freemasons and no one talks about the Judgment of God  in 1776 though well they should.   Providence is talked about.  However the word is not associated with the judgment God and more associated with the Revolution of 1776.

I see the judgment of God working. The blood or death is by terrorists and horrible conspiracies, but they pay price and will loose all power and all of them will be judged the end.   I have much more respect now for the judgment and providence of God.  It is much greater than anything I ever was taught  by the Catholic and Christian Religion.





The next judgment of God in the United States is marked by a time called the American Civil War.  This was in fact a judgment of God. This judgment dealt with the resurgence of white supremacy which had divided The United States America.  The original colonies had had now grown to 34 states. Freemasonry was judged.  Knights orders were judged.   Injustices, corruption, heresy and slavery called down this judgment and problems occurred simultaneously in other parts of the world.  European crowns had been corrupted again by white supremacy and white supremacy would not release their grip over the Republic.   Stopping corruption and physical and psychological slavery is key in all judgments of God. “Let my people go.”  Today tyrants refuse to let the people go as well.   They may like sports and baseball but they are still tyrants and they will be judged by God.  God has been kind in the aftermath of a tumultuous judgment, but he will not to be mocked, put to the test, ignored or taken for granted.


Mass Media Emergency


The mass media, political news and information emergency   has been in effect now since 2011-2012.  Because of this we continue in a state of emergency.

Do you want me to change my focus? I want to change my focus too.  There are many more things I would rather be doing than running emergency services.   Please call me at my offices and we can work together.

Government of The United States of America The Desk of JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st Primogenitvs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 205007

The White House The Desk of JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira M.S. Adagio 1st Primogenitvs Filvs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 205007